Pastime Pleasures #28- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Welcome to my feature, Pastime Pleasures, posted every other Friday. Today is the turn of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Here I will look at books that have given me great pleasure in the past. These are books I can read over and over again. The only rule is that the book must have been published five or more years ago. This was one of the first classics I read when I was younger when I went through a faze of trying to read the classics. After attempting and failing at Dickens this was a welcome relief. Jane Eyre is beautiful. I love how there are different sections of the book. It is one of the few where I could pretty read from any page and instantaneously know where I am in the story and be fully emerged. I do not have to read the whole book, I can read sections, I can drop in when I feel like it. And this is what makes it so good. Jane may be plain, but it is her qualities and her personality, her honesty […]