2017 Love-A-Thon: Introduction Post

So this year I am taking part in Love-a-thon 2017 after falling in love with Love-a-thon 2016. This is my introductory post and I cannot wait to get started. Let me know if you are joining in! What’s your name? Charlotte Where in the world are you blogging from? I’m blogging from the Midlands in the UK Tell us your history with reading. Were you always a reader? Were you a reluctant reader? Was there a book that convinced you to become a reader? I’ve loved reading since I was a little girl. My love for reading started when I was at my grandparents. And I was a bit bored. My Grandma picked up a book that was my mum’s from when she was little. It was the first Famous Five by Enid Blyton. After that I was hooked and for Christmas I received lots and lots to read. How did you get involved in the online book community? How did you come up with your blog name? I started following a friend’s blog back in University and I really […]