Tag: Classic

Review: Pugs and Prejudice by Eliza Garrett

Posted February 20, 2018 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments
Review: Pugs and Prejudice by Eliza Garrett

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Pugs and Prejudice by Eliza Garrett Series: Classic Tails #1 Published by Wildfire on September 21st 2017 Genres: Fiction, Retelling Pages: 64 Buy on Amazon Goodreads CLASSIC TAILS – the greatest works of literature, as told by the finest breeds We all have our favourite classic novels; books that have been beloved to us since childhood, whose wonderful stories and rich tapestry of characters are unsurpassed in modern literature. How, you may ask, could these marvellous works ever be improved upon? Reader, ask no more…for we present Pugs & Prejudice Mrs Bennet has five unmarried daughters, living in a house that can only be inherited by a male heir. The Bennet litter must be married off soon – but to whom? Adorable Mr Bingley seems like a perfect match for beautiful and sweetly tempered Jane Bennet; and perhaps his dashing but aloof companion Mr Darcy might be just right for her witty sister […]

Review: Are You there GOD? It’s Me, MARGARET by Judy Bloom

Posted October 15, 2014 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments
Review: Are You there GOD? It’s Me, MARGARET by Judy Bloom

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume Published by Macmillan Genres: Children’s, Classic, Contemporary, Fiction, Young Adult Pages: 185 Format: E-Arc Source: Netgalley Buy on Amazon Goodreads The classic teen novel from bestselling and iconic author Judy Blume – now with a fantastic new look! Margaret Simon, almost twelve, likes long hair, tuna fish, the smell of rain, and things that are pink. She’s just moved from New York City to Farbook, New Jersey, and is anxious to fit in with her new friends—Nancy, Gretchen, and Janie. When they form a secret club to talk about private subjects like boys, bras, and getting their first periods, Margaret is happy to belong. But none of them can believe Margaret doesn’t have religion, and that she isn’t going to the Y or the Jewish Community Center. What they don’t know is Margaret has her own very special relationship with God. She […]

Pastime Pleasures #16 – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis

Posted September 19, 2014 by Charlotte in Pastime Pleasures / 0 Comments
Pastime Pleasures #16 – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis

Welcome to my  feature, Pastime Pleasures, posted every other Friday. Today is the turn of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. Here I will look at books that have given me great pleasure in the past. These are books I can read over and over again. The only rule is that the book must have been published five or more years ago.     This was a book that really set my imagination racing. Rather than detesting wardrobes or cupboards, rather like I imagine Harry Potter would, I spend the duration of my school holidays opening up random doors in the hope of stumbling upon Narnia, unfortunately I had no such luck. Having reread The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe and the rest of the series over and over again, it always feeling like I am catching up with an old friend. Each of the four children are completely relatable. And as C.S. Lewis wrote in his dedication: “But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” “Once a King in […]