Tag: Monthly Round-up!

Monthly Round-up! July 2014

Posted July 31, 2014 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-up! July 2014

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up July 2014. So at the moment I’m working part-time in a solicitor’s office. It involves a lot of running around making cups of tea and photocopying. Actually a lot of photocopying. For one letter that had to be sent, I photocopied for an entire afternoon and used two packs of paper. As you can imagine it was a fun afternoon. I have, somehow, managed to complete my Goodreads challenge, so now I have to decide whether to up the number of books or leave it and see the percentage increase at the end of the year. Decisions, decisions… Currently reading:   Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Pastime Pleasures:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. So what do you think of my round-up July 2014? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications […]

Monthly Round-up! June 2014

Posted June 30, 2014 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-up! June 2014

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up June 2014. I finished my exams (and my degree!) at the beginning of the month and could out some time to relax and catch up on my reading! But now that the end of the month has rolled round it’s back to reality. Also the end of the month signals the anxiety of waiting for my results – which I need to have passed so that I do the next part of the law to qualify the LPC. I’m not really sure what to expect in the following months but hopefully I will know where I will be in September. I also managed to get 15 books ahead of myself on my Goodreads challenge and it looks like I will have to up the target soon as I only have to read eleven more books! I came to this month with no posts prepared and no books that I had read to review. In fact I had not read […]

Monthly Round-up! May 2014

Posted May 31, 2014 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-up! May 2014

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up May 2014. So this last month has been a bit hectic as I am currently in the middle of exam season, but luckily they finish next week which marks the end of my degree. I am jumping for joy at the thought and have Pimms at the ready 🙂 This means that at the end of next week I may have to make some proper grown-up decisions but for the moment next week seems really far away. Currently reading: OK technically I am only reading law books – been that way for the last month – but if I was reading Princess Bride would still be on my reading list! Reviews:   Pastime Pleasures:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. So what do you think of my round-up May 2014? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to […]

Monthly Round-up! April 2014

Posted April 30, 2014 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-up! April 2014

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up April 2014. So I have just over a month until I finish my degree! Not sure what I want to do next year, I really want to keep studying but maybe it’s better that I ‘get in the real world’… So I have to say I am quite busy at the moment, what with two essays in next Tuesday and exams only four weeks away. I’ve already woken up in cold sweats trying to desperately remember everything to do with criminal law, and maybe finally come to grips with trusts and quantification – although let’s be honest who am I kidding. Luckily for me in land law my lecturer said that you can see land law in Pride and Prejudice – so the fact I know the book really well with help me in my exam right? OK let’s be honest, can I just skip May and go straight into June? Preferable the 2nd June so I don’t have to do my criminal […]

Monthly Round-up! March 2014

Posted March 31, 2014 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-up! March 2014

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up March 2014. So I have made through the second month, with, what I believe regular posts. This is despite the fact that Uni work has increased – I have three more essays, three exams, and to actually listen to the majority of my lectures. Oops. Luckily I have this blog to keep me sane! Currently reading: Yes I know that I am still reading Princess Bride but it is such an easy book to pause, and because I know the story It doesn’t matter.   Reviews:   Pastime Pleasures: So what do you think of my round-up March 2014? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!     Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 371 other subscribers