Blog Tour: Q&A with Louise Welsh, author of No Dominion

On the blog today I have a Q&A with Louise Welsh, author of No Dominion. I reviewed her book a couple of days ago,The fast paced adventure in the final book of The Plague Times Trilogy was so hard to put down and was written be a brilliant author. Don’t believe me? Check out the answers below! Can you in five words describe your book to those who haven’t read it? Fast, jeopardy, thrill-ride, violent, love Was there anything in this book that took you by surprise? I was surprised how long it took me to write! I was six months late in completing No Dominion. The world around me kept on changing. Like most dystopian fictions this is a book with a strong connection to the time in which it was written, so it had to change too. Do you have a favourite moment in the book? I enjoyed writing it all, but perhaps the final chapter is my favourite. It was satisfying to tie the trilogy together in the final pages of the last book. Name the best book you have […]