Category: Monthly Round-up!

Monthly Round-Up! August – December 2021

Posted January 4, 2022 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-Up! August – December 2021

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up August-December 2021. So since I last reviewed my blog, I have moved jobs closer to home. You would think that this would mean that I would have more time for reading and blogging, but in fact the opposite has happened. Instead I have read a lot but lost my enthusiasm for blogging. So even after the Christmas break I am still not caught up with my blog reviews. My plans are to catch up on the reviews that I should have done ages ago. Once that is done I can deal with new posts. So wish me luck! Currently reading: Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge.   So what do you think of my round-up August-December 2021? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below! Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by […]

Monthly Round-Up! July 2021

Posted July 31, 2021 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-Up! July 2021

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up July 2021. Currently reading:   Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Random Thoughts:   Book vs. Film:   Pastime Pleasures:   Through the Letterbox:   Day Trips:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge.   So what do you think of my round-up July 2021? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below! Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 371 other subscribers

Monthly Round-Up! June 2021

Posted June 30, 2021 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-Up! June 2021

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up  June 2021. Currently reading:   Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Random Thoughts:   Book vs. Film:   Pastime Pleasures:   Through the Letterbox:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge.   So what do you think of my round-up June 2021? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below! Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 371 other subscribers

Monthly Round-Up! May 2021

Posted May 31, 2021 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-Up! May 2021

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up May 2021. The calm before the storm. The 3o June is the end of Stamp Duty holiday here in the UK and it has been a blessing and a curse. For us conveyancers it is definitely a pain and I cannot wait for the madness to end. I’ve also agreed to a few book reviews for blog tours in June so that will be fun to balance but hopefully we can get there. However there are some books that I am super excited to read so the tours will give me an excuse to read. Currently reading:   Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. And I am smashing my challenge so far this year. I think I can say with confidence that I will be completing my challenge this year. And I may need to up the challenge. What do you think?   So what do you think of my […]

Monthly Round-Up! April 2021

Posted April 30, 2021 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-Up! April 2021

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up  April 2021. So my TBR is growing. This month has in a way been a bit of a disaster. At the start I ended up in hospital and had to have an emergency operation. Which then left me tired and in pain. Or as I like to call it healing pain. Anyone else know what I mean? But it also led to a lack of concentration meaning that new books had no appeal. So I’ve been rereading some of my favourite which has been nice. but it has meant that the books on my Netgalley Shelf have exploded. Plus the books I have read I still have not reviewed. It’s going to take time but I will get myself organised!   Currently reading:   Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. I’m still doing really well on my challenge which is good but I seem to be reading rereads rather than […]