Month: July 2017

Monthly Round-Up! July 2017

Posted July 31, 2017 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-Up! July 2017

Monthly feature, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month.  This Round Up July 2017. So July is my birthday month, and somehow I have managed to have an extended birthday. Which is why I have not been super active. And to be honest looking at all my posts I am super happy with how much I managed to post this month. Let me know if you have any favourites! Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Through the Letterbox:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. For Movie Musical Challenge I watched: So what do you think of my round-up July 2017? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 371 other subscribers

Movie Musical Challenge: Chicago

Posted July 28, 2017 by Charlotte in Movie Musical Challenge! / 0 Comments
Movie Musical Challenge: Chicago

For this Movie Musical Challenge I’m using the AFI’s 25 Best Musicals List to try and work my way through. The challenge is throughout the year and once watched I’ll put my thoughts up on the blog. So the eighth movie for the challenge is Chicago (2002), starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renée Zellweger and Richard Gere. Last year was the first time I watched this film despite having the soundtrack and knowing all the songs off by heart. And I love the soundtrack. In a way I think it is even better than the film because there are no words to get in the way and I can use my imagination. Just saying, sometimes not knowing is better than being in the know. But this film is incredible. I love the set pieces and how Roxy uses her imagination to turn everything into a stage. And despite everything she is quite good at manipulating the press. I honestly love ever song in this show but I guess the classic/favourite include: ‘All that Jazz’, ‘Cell Block Tango’ and ‘Razzle Dazzle’, but all the songs are incredibly catchy […]

Through the Letterbox: MiniMoone Box Harry Potter Unboxing

Posted July 26, 2017 by Charlotte in Through the Letterbox / 1 Comment
Through the Letterbox: MiniMoone Box Harry Potter Unboxing

Wecolme to Through the  Letterbox. Mini Moone Box is a monthly subscription box from France.  And this was their first flat package box and was a MiniMoone Harry Potter themed. I love that the theme for this pack is based on a fandom. Meaning that you can really get some items that you can’t anywhere else and you can show your fandom love! the box: In each box you can expect: two bookmarks, a sticker, a print, a pin, a magnet and a coaster All exclusively designed by Moone Box The box is £12€  which includes world wide shipping.  I honestly thing that this is amazing value! This Month’s theme was Harry Potter, so it was kind of natural to go purchase…. the unboxing: two bookmarks – which were double sided. One depicted the original marauders map owners. The other was an ode to Gildory Lockhat – an unsung hero in the Harry Potter franchise. a sticker of the Harry Potter theme Logo a print – depicting Snape with one of his most famous sayings… a pin depicting the deathly hallows a magnet depicting […]

Review: The Year of Saying Yes by Hannah Doyle

Posted July 24, 2017 by Charlotte in Reviews / 1 Comment
Review: The Year of Saying Yes by Hannah Doyle

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.The Year of Saying Yes by Hannah Doyle Published by Headline on January 12th 2017 Genres: Chick-lit, Contemporary, Fiction, Romance Pages: 363 Format: Arc Buy on Amazon Goodreads ‘Watch out Lindsey Kelk, someone is toppling you’ Dreaming With Open Eyes Blog ‘Funny, modern and motivational… LOVED IT’ Lisa Dickenson Hannah Doyle’s THE YEAR OF SAYING YES will make you dirty-laugh, feel warm and fuzzy, and rediscover life’s magic – all thanks to one little word: ‘yes’. Fans of Lucy’s Vine’s HOT MESS, Cathy Hopkins’s THE KICKING THE BUCKET LIST, Suzy K Quinn’s THE BAD MOTHER’S DIARY and Colleen Coleman’s DON’T STOP ME NOW you’re in for a real treat. Dear Readers, I hold my hands up: I’m stuck in a rut. For three years and counting I’ve been hopelessly in love with the same guy – and the closest we’ve ever got is a drunken arse grab (NB: this doesn’t count). My favourite […]

Review: The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan

Posted July 21, 2017 by Charlotte in Reviews / 2 Comments
Review: The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan

The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan Published by Two Roads on January 26th 2017 Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy, Fiction Pages: 320 Format: Hardback Source: Netgalley, Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads A charming, clever, and quietly moving debut novel of of endless possibilities and joyful discoveries that explores the promises we make and break, losing and finding ourselves, the objects that hold magic and meaning for our lives, and the surprising connections that bind us. Lime green plastic flower-shaped hair bobbles—Found, on the playing field, Derrywood Park, 2nd September. Bone china cup and saucer—Found, on a bench in Riveria Public Gardens, 31st October. Anthony Peardew is the keeper of lost things. Forty years ago, he carelessly lost a keepsake from his beloved fiancée, Therese. That very same day, she died unexpectedly. Brokenhearted, Anthony sought consolation in rescuing lost objects—the things others have dropped, misplaced, or accidentally left behind—and writing stories about them. Now, in the twilight of his life, Anthony worries that he has not fully discharged his duty to reconcile all the lost things with their owners. As the […]