Monthly Round-Up! March 2017

Monthly feature, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This round up March 2017. So I seem to have set a realistic reading goal this year. As so far I have managed to be one whole book ahead! Whoop whoop! I have got to take an achievement when I see it and this is definitely one of them. I always find it easier to read at the beginning of the year. Like I have more time or something. And then towards the end of the year I always feel like I’m running out of time. It probably also helps that I’m rereading some of my favourite books so I am just flying through them. Does anyone else do this? Currently reading: Reviews: Blog Tours: Through the Letterbox: Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. For Movie Musical Challenge I watched: So what do you think of my round-up March 2017? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below! […]