Monthly Round-Up! February 2021

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up February 2021. This month, I have really enjoyed rereading. I finally reread the Red Rising series and I read the next two which I hadn’t as of yet. I had forgotten how bloodydamn good that series is. I cannot wait for the last book in there series. Do you have any great series to recommend? I had so many great plans this month, but as you can see they didn’t happen. I actually wrote this post before I wrote any of my review posts! But I was too busy with my reread of Red Rising. Here’s to next month, where I have at least one post prepped. But perhaps by the end of the weekend I will have more. Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. And I have read more books than I need to hit my target by the end of the year. Which seeing as it is only month two of the year […]