Month: February 2017

Monthly Round-Up! February 2017

Posted February 28, 2017 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-Up! February 2017

Monthly feature, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round Up February 2017. This month I participated in my second ever Love-a-thon and I had so much fun. Because I knew what to expect I was more prepared and organised. Meaning that I could visit more blogs easily. Also I had such fun prepping the challenges! They were amazing. Did any of you participate in this year’s Love-a-thon? Other than that it has been a pretty quiet month for me on the blog. Reviews:   Challenges: As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge For Movie Musical Challenge I watched: And additionally this month I participated in Love-A-Thon: So what do you think of my round up February 2017? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 371 other subscribers

Movie Musical Challenge: 42nd Street

Posted February 27, 2017 by Charlotte in Movie Musical Challenge! / 0 Comments
Movie Musical Challenge: 42nd Street

For this Movie Musical Challenge I’m using the AFI’s 25 Best Musicals List to try and work my way through. The challenge is throughout the year and once watched I’ll put my thoughts up on the blog. So the second  movie for the challenge is the one and only 42nd Street (1933), starring Warner Baxter, Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell and Ginger Rogers. This is a brilliant movie, but I’m not sure that this can really be classed as a musical, if I am being totally honest. Yes there is songs and yes there is singing. But the songs all seem to come at the end with a couple thrown in the middle for good measure. 7 In fact there is only five songs in the entire production. So out of all of them my favourite has to be ‘You’re Getting To Be A Habit With Me’. But all five songs in the production are lively and fun to watch. 42nd Street is skillfully directed and is a fast-paced musical, and while it plays to some clichés , its light hearted manner means that this film will leave you with a smile […]

2017 Love-A-Thon: Mini-challenge #1: Mad Libs: Fairytale Edition

Posted February 18, 2017 by Charlotte in Love-A-Thon 2017 / 6 Comments
2017 Love-A-Thon: Mini-challenge #1:  Mad Libs: Fairytale Edition

The Challenge: To fill out the below whimsical Mad Libs to create our very own fairy-tale! All we have to do is choose a word that fits the provided prompts given. Once that was done and the blanks filled we have our very own story! The Fairy-tale: Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there lived a smart thief. She lived alone in a bakery, where she had grown up with the deceased owner. She had beautiful hands, and she was known for her shiny red necklace, the only thing she had left of her parents. Alas, the king of the country became jealous and wanted to own this necklace. So, she became a wanted person and had to flee into the forest to find a place to hide. After running around for hours, hungry and tired, she stumbled upon a hut. An old lady appeared, offering her shelter from the bitter cold.  She looked at her with sadness and said: “I will protect you, but I need your help first. Years ago I lost something precious and I want it back. You need to climb into the sky and get my violin back. […]

2017 Love-A-Thon: Introduction Post

Posted February 18, 2017 by Charlotte in Love-A-Thon 2017 / 10 Comments
2017 Love-A-Thon: Introduction Post

So this year I am taking part in Love-a-thon 2017 after falling in love with Love-a-thon 2016. This is my introductory post and I cannot wait to get started. Let me know if you are joining in! What’s your name? Charlotte Where in the world are you blogging from? I’m blogging from the Midlands in the UK Tell us your history with reading. Were you always a reader? Were you a reluctant reader? Was there a book that convinced you to become a reader? I’ve loved reading since I was a little girl. My love for reading started when I was at my grandparents. And I was a bit bored. My Grandma picked up a book that was my mum’s from when she was little. It was the first Famous Five by Enid Blyton. After that I was hooked and for Christmas I received lots and lots to read. How did you get involved in the online book community? How did you come up with your blog name? I started following a friend’s blog back in University and I really […]

Movie Musical Challenge: Show Boat

Posted February 15, 2017 by Charlotte in Challenges, Movie Musical Challenge! / 0 Comments
Movie Musical Challenge: Show Boat

For this Movie Musical Challenge I’m using the AFI’s 25 Best Musicals List to try and work my way through. The challenge is throughout the year and once watched I’ll put my thoughts up on the blog.   So the first movie for the challenge is Showboat (1936), staring Irene Dunne and Allan Jones. Having watched the 1951 version starring Howard Keele and Kathryn Grayson I was a bit dubious to watch the 1936 version. Even if it is on the top 25 list.  What with is garish colours and choppy story-line. But seen the original I can see how much they changed the story and actually did a poor adaption. Sometimes a classic is better left alone. And this is on of those times. While these songs are not ones that I instantly recognise, or ones that I could sing straight away. But they instantly hit home. Some of my favourites include ‘Ol’ Man River’, ‘Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man’ and ‘Make Believe’. Paul Robeson with his booming deep voice makes his scenes a pleasure to watch. And makes the songs he sing sound unique and […]