Blog Tour: Q&A with Karen Maitland, author of The Plague Charmer

Today I am delighted to be part of the Blog Tour for The Plague Charmer by Karen Maitland. I’ve loved every book That Karen has written, so reading The Plague Charmer is no different. This is a compelling read and I loved the historical mixed with fantasy. Below Karen answers some of my questions. Also a little extra treat check out this Plague Symptom Checker and see which Plague you have… Q&A: Can you in five words describe your book to those who haven’t read it? ‘Charmer more deadly than plague.’ When researching, did you find some interesting facts about this era, that don’t make it into the novel? Can you give some examples? The novel is set at the time of the second plague, which killed many more men than women, so there were many widows left trying to run farms and manors. At that time a widow could inherit all her husband’s lands and property, but only if she lived in chastely and stayed single. If she wanted to remarry and keep the land, she had to pay a fine equivalent to […]