Month: July 2016

Giveaway & Guest Post: ‘Inspiration behind How the Duke was Won’ by Lenora Bell, author of How the Duke was Won

Posted July 1, 2016 by Charlotte in Guest Post / 2 Comments
Giveaway & Guest Post: ‘Inspiration behind How the Duke was Won’ by Lenora Bell, author of How the Duke was Won

Today I am delighted to welcome Lenora Bell, author of How the Duke was Won  onto the blog, a book that I really loved. Today Lenora is discussing her Inspiration behind How the Duke was Won. And also there are some hints of what is to come in the next two books (One that I am particularly excited about!!). Giveaway:  Also (big hint!) answer the question at the end of the post (highlighted red!) and you will be in with a chance of winning free Amazon link for How the Duke Was Won. The best answer will win and the giveaway is open until 8th July and it is INTERNATIONAL!! Inspiration: Hi Charlotte, thanks for hosting me at Escapades of a Bookworm!  I know you’re more of a fantasy and chick lit fan, so I’m honored to be here representing historical romance. How the Duke Was Won is my very first novel and it’s been such a thrill releasing it into the world. I’ve heard from lots of readers who say that the book feels “fresh” to them. I take that […]