Review: Suddenly That Summer by Lizzie Byron

Posted June 19, 2024 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review: Suddenly That Summer by Lizzie ByronSuddenly That Summer by Lizzie Byron
Published by Coronet on 1 January 2022
Genres: Fiction, Chick-lit, Romance
Pages: 400
Source: Netgalley
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Sometimes, you have to go far from home to find your way back.
Nora is about to turn twenty-seven and things couldn't be better. She's just told her boss exactly what she thinks of him after being offered her dream job and is looking forward to a summer of old friends and new adventures. But when Nora discovers that there's been a mistake and they've given her dream job to someone else, her future - and summer - suddenly isn't looking so bright. So, when she's given the opportunity to escape to idyllic Cornwall, she doesn't hesitate.
It was just supposed to be a distraction while she looks for something else, but could this be the summer that she finds everything she's looking for right there in Cornwall?

Suddenly That Summer by Lizzie Byron is a rollercoaster of emotions and plot twists. While it offers moments of intrigue and excitement, it falls short in delivering a fully immersive experience.

The novel’s premise is promising, with its setting in a quaint seaside town and the promise of a mysterious summer romance. Byron’s writing style is engaging, drawing readers into the world she has created. However, the pacing feels inconsistent, with some parts dragging on while others rush by, leaving little time for character development.

The characters themselves are intriguing but lack depth. They seem to fit into stereotypical roles rather than evolving into fully fleshed-out individuals. As a result, it’s challenging to become emotionally invested in their journeys.

The plot twists, while plentiful, sometimes feel forced and unrealistic, detracting from the overall enjoyment of the story. Additionally, the resolution feels rushed, leaving loose ends untied and questions unanswered.

Despite its flaws, “Suddenly That Summer” has its moments of charm and excitement. It’s a light summer read that may appeal to fans of romantic suspense. However, those seeking a more nuanced and satisfying narrative may find themselves wanting more.

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