Tag: Penguin Books

Blog Tour / Review: All the Good Things by Clare Fisher

Posted June 3, 2017 by Charlotte in Blog Tour, Reviews / 0 Comments
Blog Tour / Review: All the Good Things by Clare Fisher

All the Good Things by Clare Fisher Published by Viking, Penguin UK on June 1st 2017 Genres: Contemporary, Fiction Pages: 280 Format: Arc, E-Arc Source: Netgalley, Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads Twenty-one year old Beth is in prison. The thing she did is so bad she doesn’t deserve to ever feel good again. But her counsellor, Erika, won’t give up on her. She asks Beth to make a list of all the good things in her life. So Beth starts to write down her story, from sharing silences with Foster Dad No. 1, to flirting in the Odeon on Orange Wednesdays, to the very first time she sniffed her baby’s head. But at the end of her story, Beth must confront the bad thing. What is the truth hiding behind her crime? And does anyone-even a 100% bad person-deserve a chance to be good? Sometimes we can’t help but think of the bad. The overwhelming sense of what has gone wrong and what we could have done better. It overtakes our life. Sometimes we cannot see right for doing wrong. […]

Pastime Pleasures #27 – Things I want my Daughters to Know by Elizabeth Noble

Posted February 20, 2015 by Charlotte in Pastime Pleasures / 0 Comments
Pastime Pleasures #27 – Things I want my Daughters to Know by Elizabeth Noble

Welcome to my  feature, Pastime Pleasures, posted every other Friday. Today is the turn of Things I want my Daughters to Know by Elizabeth Noble. Here I will look at books that have given me great pleasure in the past. These are books I can read over and over again. The only rule is that the book must have been published five or more years ago. Barbara’s daughters are devastated to lose their mum, but then Barbara has sent them letters. Will these letters give the girls comfort? Will their be able to come together as a family and mourn their mother properly? And finally will they be set free from their burden in order to live their lives free? Things I want My Daughters to Know  shows the different relationships a parent can have with their children as each has different personalities. It shows how together yet how far apart a family can be. How each can grieve in their own way.  It is about the bonds between siblings and families. This is a sweet, caring book, without being too over-emotional […]