Tag: So what’s your favourite city in the whole world?

Blog Tour / Guest Post: “So what’s your favourite city in the whole world?” by Claudia Carroll, author of Our Little Secret

Posted February 18, 2018 by Charlotte in Blog Tour, Guest Post / 0 Comments
Blog Tour / Guest Post: “So what’s your favourite city in the whole world?” by Claudia Carroll, author of Our Little Secret

So today, I’m super excited to have on the blog the incredible Claudia Carroll, author of Our Little Secret talking about her favourite city in the whole world. Claudia’s Words: So what’s your favourite city in the whole world? Without a doubt, mine is New York City or to be more specific, Manhattan. I first started going there when I was a teenager with my parents; my Dad used to do the NYC marathon and we’d all loyally troop over to support him. Anyway, New York in the dim, distant late 80’s was a very different place to how it is now. It was pre-Giuliani and crime really was rife. I remember our tour group leader even warning us not to wear rings on the street, as if a mugger targeted you, apparently they’d just chop your finger off to get at the ring. Delightful. But in spite of the element of danger hanging over the whole city back then, I still fell in love with the place. The energy, the buzz, that feeling of being right in the epicenter […]