Guest Post: ‘The Ten Best Books About Libraries’ by Deborah Harkness, author of The Book of Life, The All Souls Trilogy

Today I am delighted to be part of the Blog Tour for The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness with a post about the Ten Best Books about Libraries. Deborah is an author I discovered this year, and it is thanks to book blogging that I was able to read her books – A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night and the epic conclusion in the trilogy The Book of Life. The All Souls Trilogy has become one of my favourite trilogy – it appeals to my love of the historical and reminds me why I love libraries so much. Below, Deborah share her thoughts on the Ten Best Books about Libraries. In each of these novels, a library plays a starring role. Some are places of wonder and delight. Others provide a venue for solving problems, or are the scene of a crime. And in a few cases the libraries in question are far from ordinary. Alan Bennett, The Uncommon Reader. A delightful tale about what might happen if the Queen turned to her library for solace and inspiration. A. S. Byatt, Possession. Academic […]