2017 Love-A-Thon: Introduction Post

Posted February 18, 2017 by Charlotte in Love-A-Thon 2017 / 10 Comments

2017 Love-A-Thon graphic

So this year I am taking part in Love-a-thon 2017 after falling in love with Love-a-thon 2016. This is my introductory post and I cannot wait to get started. Let me know if you are joining in!

What’s your name?


Where in the world are you blogging from?

I’m blogging from the Midlands in the UK

Tell us your history with reading. Were you always a reader? Were you a reluctant reader? Was there a book that convinced you to become a reader?

I’ve loved reading since I was a little girl. My love for reading started when I was at my grandparents. And I was a bit bored. My Grandma picked up a book that was my mum’s from when she was little. It was the first Famous Five by Enid Blyton. After that I was hooked and for Christmas I received lots and lots to read.

How did you get involved in the online book community? How did you come up with your blog name?

I started following a friend’s blog back in University and I really slowly started to make plans and ideas and write reviews in my head. I was also too scared to comment on the blog so couldn’t really talk about all the book feels. And so one day I sat down and set up this blog.

When I started this blog I wanted to do it as a bit of escapism and I knew I wanted the title to be bookish themed. To be honest it was really me just shouting random bookish thoughts at my Mum which she all vetoed apart from this one. You should always listen to your mum… haha.

What sort of posts can readers expect from you?

I mainly post reviews, as I find that they come so easy to me. But I do try and regularly post other things. I post my Bookish Gossip where I talk about all things bookish that take my fancy, Pastime Pleasures where I talk about books that never get old, Book vs. Film which I think is obvious, but I’m trying to do more.  hope to do more of soon!  I always wrap up the month in my Monthly Round-up. I love musicals, so this new I’m watching the top 25 and blogging my thoughts.  and finally my newest feature Through the Letter Box where I post about things through the letterbox, its mainly bookish things at the moment but I am hoping to expand!

What book genres do you talk about most?

Well it’s a tie between YA and Fantasy for the ones that I review the most. But I also loving reading Romance and Historical Fiction.

Favourite childhood books?

Easy peasy, anything by Enid Blyton as she did get me into reading. But also Harry Potter (obviously), the Redwall series and The Princess Diaries.

Favourite books read in the last five years?

This is a little tricky because there have been so many books that I’ve read over the last five years that I love. The list would include: The Red Rising Series, everything by Sarah J. Maas (who I am so glad I finally got to read), anything my Jill Mansell and the first book in the Frostblood series by Elly Blake.

But like I say the list is endless.

What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?

So a great little book is The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP) by Kate Winter and is a fun romance story, but there is one small problem Rosie has died, which makes the falling in love thing an issue. It sounds mad but it is a great book.

Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?

I love watching films, if I’m not reading I will probably have a tv series on the go. I try and go to the gym or at least an exercise class but this seems a hobby doomed to fail so I’ll just stick to walking the dog…


Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book.

I would love for Throne of Glass to be made into a film or TV show. I can’t decide if I want it as a short episode each week or a large film all in one go! But it would be amazing and brilliant to watch!

Books you want to read in 2017?

So many books to choose from. One I’m really excited about is Then, Now, Always by Isabelle Broom, published in April,  and another is one that I am really intrigued about The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel, out in March.

But I’m also planning to read some books that have been on my TBR pile for far to long. Including The Invention of Wings, The Fireman and Eleanor and Park 

That’s my introductory post to Love-a-thon 2016. Are you participating??

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10 responses to “2017 Love-A-Thon: Introduction Post

  1. Enid Blyton was one of my favourite childhood authors as well!! When I was younger I devoured pretty much anything she had written! I hope you have a good Loveathon and I’m glad I discovered your blog! x

    • Charlotte

      I think I will always have a soft spot for Enid Blyton because she got me into reading. Thanks for commenting and hope you have a good Loveathon yourself 🙂 x

  2. I can never decide if I want Throne of Glass to be a TV show or film either! I *think* at the moment that I would prefer it as a television show, just because it would mean a lot more time with all of the characters we love. Are you excited about the plans for a Hulu show? I’m being cautiously optimistic…

    Also, I’m glad you’re joining the Love-a-Thon!

    • Charlotte

      I think at the moment a TV show would be better because of spending more time and keeping it true to the books. But a film would be awesome for the spectacule. But like you I’m optimistic x

  3. Alice

    I have the same issue with the gym! I don’t even have a dog, so I usually try to park my car far from my house, but it’s not actually real exercising, haha. Harry Potter had such a huge impact in my life <3

    • Charlotte

      I just get home to late so can’t be bothered. But its one thing that I want to improve.

      Harry Potter is amazing. I don’t think that I would like magical books as much as I do now if it was not for Harry Potter x

  4. It’s great getting to know you, Charlotte. I feel you on the gym front. I’ve tried going but it seems like a chore and I’d much rather walk my dog while I listen to an audiobook. It’s like a triple win. You get exercise, the dog gets exercise, and you get a book in. 😉

    • Charlotte


      I really need to get into audiobooks but I find them too slow. Maybe if I try it with dog walking it wont be too bad. But reading is definitely the priority haha x

  5. Throne of Glass is being made into a Hulu show which I am over the moon about! I don’t like that they changed the name of the series to Queen of Shadows but I’m still hopeful it’ll live up to my expectations!

    • Charlotte

      I seem to be the only person who hasn’t realised that a show was being made… But it is exciting. I don’t think the name change is too bad, I think it shows more intriguing. But I agree the original works so why change it?

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