Blog Tour / Guest Post: ‘Inspiration behind The Honey Farm on the Hill’ by Jo Thomas

Today I am super excited to welcome onto the Blog Jo Thomas with her inspiration behind The Honey Farm on the Hill as part of the blog tour! Have any of you yet read The Honey Farm on the Hill? Or an book by Jo Thomas? If not I highly recommend that you getting cracking because Jo writes some divine books. And are perfect for a holiday read. Or if your not going away for a bit of sunshine. Below Jo shares some of her inspiration behind the book, particularly why she choose Crete and its famous Honey… The Inspiration: Writing a book for me is liking going into my kitchen pantry and seeing what ingredients I’ve got there and what I’m going to make for dinner. I’ll have a vague recipe in mind but no real idea of what to put in it. I start with the country I want to write about and the food of that country. I find that once you discover the food of a country, it takes you by the hand and introduces you to the […]