Monthly Round-up! March 2015

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up March 2015. So formal teaching finished this week so revision is a go! So because exams are around the corner I probably will not be blogging so much. July is probably when everything gets back on track. I have a few posts up that I organised a while ago, but otherwise no new posts. Which I am a bit sad about but really I have to focus on exams. So this means that features I normally do, like Pastime Pleasures and Round-up will not occur, but I will probably do a big post in July. It also means that my plans for new features (which I am really excited about) are also on hold. I’m really excited to show them off! But Happy Easter everyone and if anyone reading this has exams in the coming months I wish you the very best of luck! Currently reading: Reviews: Bookish Gossip: Pastime Pleasures: Challenges: As per usual I’m […]