Movie Musical Challenge – The Gay Divorcee

Posted April 12, 2016 by Charlotte in Movie Musical Challenge! / 3 Comments

Bookish Whimsey Movie Musical Challenge

For this Movie Musical Challenge I’ve made a list of 15 musicals that I haven’t yet seen and probably ought to have. The challenge is throughout the year and once watched I’ll put my thoughts up on the blog. Today is the turn of The Gay Divorcee.


So the fifth movie for the challenge is The Gay Divorcee (1934), starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

I think this is the only black and white musical I have on my list. And it makes a nice change to see something different. And despite what may be considered a classic and old is not at all dated.

I adored this film, it reminded me of my favourite Astaire and Rogers film – Top Hat – the story is similar but the roles are swapped around, which Astaire misunderstanding Rogers. And they have the perfect dance partnership, each keeping up with the other and balancing each other out.

My favourite song was Cole Porter’s ‘Night and Day’ and while the other songs are good this is the stand-out for me. I wish that the film had kept some more of Porters’ songs rather than replacing them with new songs as this would have made the film even more special. But I can’t deny that there is something compelling about the music in this show.

This is a funny, quintessential and brilliant musical. Full of charming moments, fantastic dances and comic this is one musical to treasure. Definitely one of my favourite musicals that I have watched so far.

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3 responses to “Movie Musical Challenge – The Gay Divorcee

  1. Charlene @ Bookish Whimsy

    How funny, I talk about this musical on my next MMC post for this Thursday! I really enjoyed this one too, and Night and Day was my fave. Fred and Ginger are always so perfect together though. 🙂

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