Tag: William Goldman

Book vs. Film: The Princess Bride

Posted September 18, 2015 by Charlotte in Book vs. Film / 0 Comments
Book vs. Film: The Princess Bride

Today’s post is Book vs Film  focusing on The Princess Bride. On this occasion I will briefly review both film and book before giving my opinion on which is better. Read and let me know if I am correct in my assessment. Be warned! Spoilers may occur! The Book: I love that this is a story within a story, and that there have been add-ons and notes as the story has progressed in time, for example my edition talks a little about the film and its portrayal. Although I did buy into the fact that there is a full S. Morganstern’s version somewhere in the world. And I would really like to read that version 😉 It feels like the story is continuous and timeless. Something that can be read over and over again. It is a classic and one that can be easily read and enjoyed. I found that despite taking me time reading this book it was easy to pick up and get back into the story, right from the moment I left off. Maybe it is because I […]

Monthly Round-up! December 2014

Posted December 31, 2014 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 2 Comments
Monthly Round-up! December 2014

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up December 2014. I hope you all had a good Christmas and that Santa brought you everything you wanted :). I had a house full with my family bringing their dogs, chickens and a horse! Yes you did read that correctly. It is strange to think that tomorrow will be another year. I hope you all have your new year resolutions 😉 Bookish or otherwise. With a new year means that I will have to remember writing 2015 instead of 2014, something that normally takes until the middle of the year. With a new year there is new goals and aspirations to achieve. Luckily this year I achieved my Goodreads goal of 110 books and managed to read 112 overall. This year I’m going to set the goal low at 50 books. I’m about to hit exam period and so I don’t want the pressure of goals to distract me. This year I may be quieter on the blog, at […]