Monthly Round-up! February 2015

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up February 2015. This month was I had the shock of finding out that I only have one month (ONE MONTH!) left of formal teaching before exams. I hardly feel like I have even begun but yet I’m almost at the end. It is quite scary to think about it that way. And I left wondering were has the time gone. Also I would really appreciate having a time lord as a friend because I have mountains of stuff to remember and I’m quite certain that it is never going to happen. Also this has probably been the most boring month for me. I’ve been locked in the study attempting to… well study. And to keep up with work which is quite impossible. Ooh but one non-book recommendation I would make is if you get the change to see Calamity Jane go see it. It is fabulous – there are new songs and all the actors on stage play all […]