Blog Tour / Review: The Beauty of the Wolf by Wray Delaney

Posted February 27, 2019 by Charlotte in Blog Tour, Reviews / 0 Comments

The Beauty of the Wolf by Wray Delaney
Blog Tour / Review: The Beauty of the Wolf by Wray DelaneyThe Beauty of the Wolf by Wray Delaney
Published by HQ on February 21, 2019
Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Retelling
Pages: 384
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What some might call beauty, I find monstrous'

In the age of the Faerie Queene, Elizabeth I, Lord Francis Rodermere starts to lay waste to a forest.

Furious, the sorceress who dwells there scrawls a curse into the bark of the first oak he fells:

A faerie boy will be born to you whose beauty will be your death.

Ten years later, Lord Rodermere’s son, Beau is born – and all who encounter him are struck by his great beauty.

Meanwhile, many miles away in a London alchemist’s cellar lives Randa – a beast deemed too monstrous to see the light of day.

And so begins a timeless tale of love, tragedy and revenge…

A stunning retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

I was intrigued from the moment that I found out that The Beauty of the Wolf was a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, one of my favourite stories. And with the added interest of the role reversal.

He is a boy cursed its beauty, while she is a girl, half monster and hidden from view. Both are cursed in their own way, both must try to find the beauty with in.

I also have to mention the cover, it took my breath away. And it is so beautiful it even tempted my grandfather to pick up the book. However, after two pages he decided it was not for him. Probably not enough history… But the fact he picked the book up is high praise believe me.

The writing was very flowery and otherworldly, added to the sense of a magical world, slightly different and older than ours and creating a fairytale atmosphere.

Also having read other reviews it should be stated that this is an ADULT RETELLING. So if you are after a Disney inspired retelling this book is not for you.

The Beauty of The Wolf was an imaginative retelling that kept the original story at the centre, while allowing for unpredictable and unexpected twists peppered throughout the tale.

The Beauty of the Wolf by Wray Delaney blog tour poster

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