Guest Post: Q&A with Saskia Sarginson, author of The Other Me

Posted August 18, 2015 by Charlotte in Blog Tour, Guest Post / 0 Comments

Q&A with Saskia Sarginson, author of The Other Me

Today I am delighted to be part of the Blog Tour for The Other Me by Saskia Sarginson.With a Q & A with Saskia Sarginson.

The Other Me is quite a suspenful read and for those who love their thrills and spills and love questioning what is going on then this is the book for you! (you can check out my review here). Remember to check out the other stops on the tour for some great content!

Below Saskia has very kindly answered some of my questions, so just keep scrolling…

Can you in five words describe your book to those who haven’t read it?

That’s incredibly hard! I’m going to have to cheat a bit. ‘A mystery, love story and family history.’ Or perhaps the more ambiguous: ‘Identity crisis. Someone’s lying.’

What is your writing process?

After walking my three dogs in the morning, I sit down with a coffee to write for about five hours. I don’t stop for anything if I’m on a roll. No phone calls or lunch or putting a wash on. Only strict necessities like having to walk the dogs again or making my son’s supper will get me up from the laptop!

Was there anything in this book that took you by surprise?

The character of Ernst. I was nervous about writing him, as he was so out of my comfort zone. But his voice took over, and I fell in love with him.

Do you have any advise for inspiring writers?

Just to read as widely and as much as possible, and to keep writing. Write every day if possible.

Do you have a favourite moment in the book? Can you share it with us?

Without giving too much away…the part when Klaudia finally understands who her father really is. It felt very emotional for me to write that scene.

Can you tell us about what you are working on currently?

I’m working on a book called The Stranger, a thriller and a love story. It’s set in idyllic English countryside; but the loveliness is covering up a dark secret. The main character is a woman who is caught between three men, and she doesn’t know which one has betrayed her.

And finally is there a question that you have always wanted to be asked? What is it? And what would your answer be?

What’s my secret vice? The answer is easy: apart from chocolate, it’s tango. I’m a dance addict.

So what do you think of my Q & A with Saskia Sarginson?

By the way, I loved the ambiguous description, its making me want to pick up the book all over again!! Thank you so much Saskia for answering my questions, hopefully you all enjoyed the answers.

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