Review: The Happy Pear by David Flynn and Stephen Flynn

Posted August 26, 2020 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments

The Happy Pear by David Flynn and Stephen Flynn
The Happy Pear: Vegan Cooking for Everyone by David Flynn, Stephen Flynn
Published by Penguin UK Genres: Food and Drink, Non-Fiction
Format: Hardback
Source: Publisher

If you have decided you want to be vegan, where do you start?Or if you are an experienced cook how do you make plant-based meals that are delicious and full of variety?And if you are already vegan but looking for inspiration are there simple principles to help you come up with your own dishes?
Ask no more - The Happy Pear: Vegan Cooking for Everyone has the answers. After twenty years of plant-based cooking, bestselling chefs Dave and Steve Flynn have developed an encyclopaedic knowledge of how it works and how to make vegan food simple, creative and totally irresistible.
Dave and Steve's new book distils all their knowledge into ten chapters that are full of master recipes, step-by-step guides, fun variations and top tips, and an approach to plant-based eating that will inspire you to become the best cook of vegan food you can possibly be.

Okay, I have to be entirely honest, I am not sure how I am going to review The Happy Pear. Normally I talk about YA, Fantasy… You know fiction, whereas today I am talking about Non-fiction. And while I’m fine with talking about it, it does feel a little different.

So I guess I will start with why I decided to pick up The Happy Pear. Recently I have been trying to eat a lot more healthily and cut down on eating meat. But sometimes it’s difficult to feel inspired or to know where to begin. So I thought it best to go the old fashioned way and pick up a cook book.

This book really appealed to me because of its bright colours and that the word happy was in the title. It felt like a good omen.

For me I was focusing on lunches so there is a lot of salads soups and the old favourites, stews curries and one pot wonders. Which all have helped give me idea. But there are also burgers, pizza and pies which all sound amazing. I really need to give the pizza a go.

So far I have tried to make soup, and I stuck to the smooth as that’s my favourite. I really loved the carrot, parsnip and pumpkin seed one. Which was a surprise as I felt like I was tempting fate!

But the recipes are really easy to understand and I love the breakdown pages. As I feel that when I can more confident I can experiment and create some of my own recipes. Although sometime it was a bit of a faff if the breakdown page didn’t line up with how to cook the dish.

Overall this was a fun book, and it gave me so many ideas. I also have a few recipes tabbed up, so I cannot wait to give this another go!

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