Blog Tour / Review: The Summer of Chasing Dreams by Holly Martin

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.The Summer of Chasing Dreams by Holly Martin Published by Seaside & Sparkles on 29th March 2019 Genres: Chick-lit, Fiction Pages: 328 Format: E-Book Source: Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads A joyously romantic, feel-good summer read. Eva Blue is about to go on a trip of a lifetime, but one adventure she didn’t count on was falling in love… Eva is quite content with her life in London. In her job as a cover designer, she works at home, and often in her cosy pyjamas. She’s happy to stay in her safe little world and not explore much outside of it. She is the opposite of her mum, a free spirit who craved finding adventure and thrills in all corners of the world. But on the day her mum’s will is finalised, Eva finds a list of all the dreams her mum wanted to achieve in her life. Things she never did […]