Movie Musical Challenge: A Star is Born

For this Movie Musical Challenge I’m using the AFI’s 25 Best Musicals List to try and work my way through. The challenge is throughout the year and once watched I’ll put my thoughts up on the blog. So the ninth movie for the challenge is A Star Is Born (1954) starring Julie Garland and James Mason. Well what a ridiculous and complete waste of three hours of my time! This film dragged. It was dull and boring and I was left wondering why this even made it onto the top 25 list. I honestly struggled to make it to the end of this musical. After all this is about a successful man persuading a young woman to take up her desired career. She is then more successful than him and he feels eclipsed. She is held back by him and feels she is in the wrong. He eventually realises the errors of this ways and kills himself. Because that will make her life better? Yep great story. Also lets complain about the fact that it is three hours long and there are parts when […]