Tag: Book v Film

Monthly Round-up! November 2016

Posted December 6, 2016 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-up! November 2016

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up November 2016. Currently reading:   Reviews:   Through the Letterbox:   Challenges: A new year and a new challenge. This year I am participating in the movie musical challenge hosted by Bookish Whimsy.  This month I reviewed  an incredible 4 musicals – including the divine Meet Me In St. Louis, the charismatic Easter Parade, the moving Oklahoma! and finally Kiss Me Kate. As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. I’ve pledged to read 100 books! And so far have managed to read 75 books. I’m 6 behind which is terrible and I’m not sure how I will recover. But this is a small improvement on last month so keep your fingers crossed for me that I can keep going! So what do you think of my round-up November 2016? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. […]

Monthly Round-up! October 2016

Posted November 14, 2016 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-up! October 2016

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up October 2016. Currently reading: Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Through the Letterbox:   Challenges: This year I am participating in the movie musical challenge hosted by Bookish Whimsy. I’ve watched Oklahoma and Chicago and my thoughts will be up this month! As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. I’ve pledged to read 100 books! And so far have managed to read 75 books. I’m 6 behind which is terrible and I’m not sure how I will recover. But this is a small improvement on last month so keep your fingers crossed for me that I can keep going! So what do you think of my round-up October 2016? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 371 other subscribers

Monthly Round-up! June 2016

Posted July 10, 2016 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments
Monthly Round-up! June 2016

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up June 2016. This month has flown by! Does anyone else feel like that? If not there are lots of lovely posts below for you to catch you with! Currently reading: Reviews:   Blog Tours:   Challenges: A new year and a new challenge. This year I am participating in the movie musical challenge hosted by Bookish Whimsy. This month I have watch Easter Parade and it should be up for July. As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. I’ve pledged to read 100 books! And so far have managed to read 49 books. Which means I am three books behind schedule. My target of 100 books this years is looking un-achievable. Hopefully I can get back on track which some much needed reading! So what do you think of my round-up June 2016? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive […]

Introducing: New Feature – Book vs. Film

Posted September 12, 2015 by Charlotte in Book vs. Film / 6 Comments

I’ve been meaning to add this feature to my blog for ages. And now is the time for Book vs Film. Having not quite had the summer I’d planned, I’ve finally got back to where I wanted to be, and hopefully (fingers crossed) writing this post will get my butt in gear and force me to write the posts I’ve been meaning to write for the last three months. It all sounds a bit ominous doesn’t it? The point of this post is to explain a bit about what I want to do in this feature. I know I know, it sounds a bit obvious and it is in the title… but… I also wanted to say why I’m  introducing films to this blog. I love watching movies, and it is pretty much part of my Saturday routine to sit down with the family and watch a film of some sort. Even if there is moaning from the father about it being another rom-com or musical. But I have him well trained and other films do appear (so don’t fret!). We always discuss […]