Tag: Harry Potter

Through the Letterbox: Fairyloot Tricksters Unboxing

Posted August 25, 2017 by Charlotte in Through the Letterbox / 1 Comment
Through the Letterbox: Fairyloot Tricksters Unboxing

Welcome to Through the Letterbox. So I think that it is fair to say now that I am a huge fan of FairyLoot.  This months theme was all about Tricksters. This is a monthly subscription ya book box based in the UK. the box: In each box you can expect: One recently published Young Adult book, 4-6 goodies often related to the book, promotional items such as posters, bookmarks and a signed bookplate (whenever possible),  a unique hashtag that links you up with one other person receiving a box. The box is £26 plus shipping at £3.95 (if UK based) bringing it to a grand total of £29.95. I wish that the shipping is including in the price because it is like a hidden extra. But I do think that this box is well worth the price. So this theme was ‘Tricksters’ and is perfect for fans of Six of Crows, Harley Quinn, Harry Potter, Loki and Sherlock. Intriguing? I think so. the unboxing: Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody with signed bookplate and author letter – I thought that this […]

Through the Letterbox: MiniMoone Box Harry Potter Unboxing

Posted July 26, 2017 by Charlotte in Through the Letterbox / 1 Comment
Through the Letterbox: MiniMoone Box Harry Potter Unboxing

Wecolme to Through the  Letterbox. Mini Moone Box is a monthly subscription box from France.  And this was their first flat package box and was a MiniMoone Harry Potter themed. I love that the theme for this pack is based on a fandom. Meaning that you can really get some items that you can’t anywhere else and you can show your fandom love! the box: In each box you can expect: two bookmarks, a sticker, a print, a pin, a magnet and a coaster All exclusively designed by Moone Box The box is £12€  which includes world wide shipping.  I honestly thing that this is amazing value! This Month’s theme was Harry Potter, so it was kind of natural to go purchase…. the unboxing: two bookmarks – which were double sided. One depicted the original marauders map owners. The other was an ode to Gildory Lockhat – an unsung hero in the Harry Potter franchise. a sticker of the Harry Potter theme Logo a print – depicting Snape with one of his most famous sayings… a pin depicting the deathly hallows a magnet depicting […]

Through the Letterbox: Moone Box Woodlands Unboxing

Posted July 19, 2017 by Charlotte in Through the Letterbox / 0 Comments
Through the Letterbox: Moone Box Woodlands Unboxing

Welcome to Through the Letterbox.  Moone Box is a bi-monthly subscription box from France.  And this was their first box, themed Woodlands!! the box: In each box you can expect: 5 to 7 high quality, original and always exclusive bookish items developed around a different theme each time and no book! The box is £26€ (VAT included for EU) + shipping  (13,73€ if UK based).  For other international it will depend on which zone you are in I was super excited for this theme – Woodlands, this box is perfect for any lover of Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and Narnia! And I loved this because these were three of my favourite childhood of all time. the unboxing:  A Harry Potter porcelain mug by Sophie Masson  Porcelaine, with a quote from Ron “Follow the spiders, why couldn’t it be follow the butterflies” – which easily has to be one of m favourite mugs I have ever received.  Woodlands stickers made by the MooneBox Team!  A Harry Potter bookmark by Elaine Illustration depicting Harry and Malfoy in the Forbidden Forest.  A lovely Narnian notebook designed […]

Pastime Pleasures #33 – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J K Rowling

Posted June 9, 2017 by Charlotte in Pastime Pleasures / 0 Comments
Pastime Pleasures #33 – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J K Rowling

Welcome to my feature, Pastime Pleasures all about books I have loved and adored and were published over five years.  Today is the turn of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J K Rowling. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has to be my favourite Harry Potter out of the whole series. It is the pivotal point in the Harry Potters and a complete game changer. Goblet of Fire is the starting point for Harry and co to grow up. Before Harry’s adventures were limited to in-school activities. And Voldermort is still a shadow of himself. And it is now all going to change. Because now that he is back. There is a lot of Quidditch, adventure and thrills. As Harry races to the end of the Triwizard cup and starts to realise that he is a teenager. The fact that Harry and co are growing up lead to some hilarious moments as hormones take the better of them. And we get to learn about other schools. I loved that we finally get to know so much more about […]

Pastime Pleasures #17 – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J K Rowling

Posted October 3, 2014 by Charlotte in Pastime Pleasures / 0 Comments
Pastime Pleasures #17 –  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J K Rowling

Welcome to my  feature, Pastime Pleasures, posted every other Friday. Today is the turn of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J K Rowling. Here I will look at books that have given me great pleasure in the past. These are books I can read over and over again. The only rule is that the book must have been published five or more years ago. The second of the series starts of with a flying bang… literally. The Chamber of Secrets is another brilliant installment of the Harry Potter Series. Perhaps Chamber of Secrets is so good because we have got to know the characters, we know who our favourites are, who we dislike, and it is easier to imagine Harry’s surroundings. Harry clearly has a better understanding of his abilities and who is enemies are. And this book focuses on improving said abilites and growing as a character, there is more focus on the mystery at hand rather than the future. Perhaps it is the re-reading that has made me see how good J. K. Rowling is at […]