2016 Love-A-Thon: Introduction Post

Posted February 20, 2016 by Charlotte in Love-A-Thon 2016 / 20 Comments

love-a-thon 2016

So this year I am taking part in Love-a-thon 2016. This is my introductory post and I cannot wait to get started. Let me know if you are joining in!

What’s your Name?


Where in the world are you blogging from?

I’m blogging from the Midlands in the UK

How did you get into blogging in the first place?

I started following a friend’s blog back in University and I really slowly started to make plans and ideas and write reviews in my head. I was also too scared to comment on the blog so couldn’t really talk about all the book feels. And so one day I sat down and set up this blog. I haven’t looked back since.

How did you come up with you blog name?

When I started this blog I wanted to do it as a bit of escapism and I knew I wanted the title to be bookish themed. To be honest it was really me just shouting random bookish thoughts at my Mum which she all vetoed apart from this one. You should always listen to your mum… haha.

What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?

Well it’s a tie between YA and Fantasy for the ones that I review the most. But I also loving reading Romance and Historical Fiction.

What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from review?

I do want to do more than I already do, but I regularly post my Bookish Gossip where I talk about all things bookish that take my fancy, Pastime Pleasures where I talk about books that never get old, I always wrap up the month in my Monthly Round-up and finally my newest feature Book vs. Film which I hope to do more of soon!

Best blogging experience so far?

Can I say all of it? Or is that too cheesy? I have loved every moment since joining the blogging community and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Favourite thing about the blogging community?

I love how we all have a passion for reading and books but we are all quite different in our approach to reading or even reviewing. Also everyone likes books. I can actually talk to someone about books! This is a brilliant thing.

Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2016!

I actually wrote a post about my 2016 anticipated reads and there were 6 on the list! Including:



Name the 5 books you want to read this 2016 that you didn’t get to in previous years!

So many books to pick from! But if I randomly pick some books out of a hat I get:

Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, The Gunslinger by Stephen King and The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd.

What is an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?

So cover62179-mediuma great little book is The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP) by Kate Winter and is a fun romance story, but there is one small problem Rosie has died, which makes the falling in love thing an issue. It sounds mad but it is a great book.

Apart from reading., what are your other hobbies or interests?

I love watching films, if I’m not reading I will probably have a tv series on the go. I try and go to the gym or at least an exercise class but this seems a hobby doomed to fail so I’ll just stick to walking the dog…

Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?

Things for my books? I have a weakness for shoes and earrings. It’s hard to go into a shop without buying a pair…

Pick out either a book you want turned into a til, / TV Show, or a film / TV show you want turned into a book.

I would love for Throne of Glass to be made into a film or TV show. I can’t decide if I want it as a short episode each week or a large film all in one go! But it would be amazing and brilliant to watch!

That’s my introductory post to Love-a-thon 2016. Are you participating??

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20 responses to “2016 Love-A-Thon: Introduction Post

  1. Ohh, I’ve heard good things about Jonathan Unleashed so far!
    I’ll also give it a try.
    We were liars is such a good book in my opinion.
    I just have to tell you, I really like the looks of your blog!

  2. downrightdystopian

    Nice to meet you, Charlotte! I also really want to check out the Goldfinch. I ended up reading We Were Liars way at the beginning of the year last year and it was so amazing!

  3. Throne of Glass would make for an excellent television series, I think! It’d give them time for some character development 😉 Plus, we’d get to spend more time swooning! Also, hello from New York! *waves* I too am very excited about The Fate of the Tearling and The Winner’s Kiss. Hoping they’re amazing series enders!

  4. Hello Charlotte!

    There are just too many wonderful books I am waiting for this year! I think The Winner’s Kiss is going to be epic! I am a big tv show binge watcher. My all time favorite show has to be The Walking Dead. Also, a Throne of Glass movie or tv show would be awesome. I believe Maas just sold the rights to a studio for a movie or tv show to get made sometime in the future. Hopefully the near future.

    • Haha, I know it was so hard to pick a few books. I just want all of them! I’ve never watched The Walking Dead, I’m not very good with creepy things. I love silly things like Call the Midwife or Ninja Warrior.

      Thanks for the info about Maas selling the rights. That will be really exciting if it happens!

  5. Aditi

    The Winner’s Kiss! SO SO EXCITED! Sad that it’s going to be over, but excited after two years of cliff hangers.

    Also, FATE OF THE TEARLING! I was in the middle of Invasion when I lost my book. It was the worst thing in the world. But because I didn’t get into the whole dual storyline very much, I haven’t gone out and bought myself another copy. I will. Soon.

    Just followed:)


    • My mum is brilliant at coming up with names etc. You just have to shout random things that you want to associate and it happens 🙂

      The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP) is a fun read. Perfect if your in the mood to relax and have a ‘light’ read.

  6. Cee

    Hello, Charlotte!

    Ha, you can say all of it. Not cheesy at all! This book community is really one of the best. I always feels like coming home. (Now is that cheesy?)

    I think Throne of Glass would be perf on HBO or on Netflix!

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