Blog Tour: Review and Extract of The Fear by C. L. Taylor

Posted April 9, 2018 by Charlotte in Blog Tour, Reviews / 0 Comments

The Fear by C. L. Taylor
Blog Tour: Review and Extract of The Fear by C. L. TaylorThe Fear by C.L. Taylor
Published by Avon on March 22nd 2018
Genres: Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
Pages: 400
Format: E-Arc, Paperback
Source: Netgalley, Publisher
Buy on Amazon

‘Grabs you by the metaphorical throat right from the start and doesn’t let up until the end.’ Heat

When Lou Wandsworth ran away to France with her teacher Mike Hughes, she thought he was the love of her life. But Mike wasn’t what he seemed and he left her life in pieces.

Now 32, Lou discovers that he is involved with teenager Chloe Meadows. Determined to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself, she returns home to confront him for the damage he’s caused.

But Mike is a predator of the worst kind, and as Lou tries to bring him to justice, it’s clear that she could once again become his prey…

The million copy Sunday Times bestseller returns with a taut, compelling psychological thriller that will have you glued to the edge of your seat.

Today on the blog I have a review and extract of the incredible The Fear by C L Taylor. All part of the blog tour!


So I made the error of starting this book late in the evening and from page one I was hooked. And I couldn’t stop reading. Not until I’d turn the last page. Having previously read books from C. L. Taylor I should have known better.

This was a compelling read that was filled with so many twists, turns, and unexpected moments that meant that there was more reveals that you can shake a stick at. This is a really dark story  that while most of it felt unbelievable actual came across very real. The story of being groomed at a young age is handled with care and the after affects on all involved seemed real.

The story is told from three different perspectivesLou who was originally groomed by Mike, we flit between the past and the present while finding out more of her story. There there is Wendy, she has a small obsession with Lou and looks to be after revenge. Then there is Chloe, she is vulnerable and in a dangerous situation.

The Fear was an intense read, and it make me really glad to not to living in Malvern because I would have to look constantly over my shoulder. This felt so real and I was super caught up in the story that I felt like I was living alongside Lou.  Honestly you all need to read this book because it will have you gripped!

Below is an extract that I believe comes about midway through and while it may not seem like much on its on. If you read the whole book then this moment is really pivotal and starts the story on a completely different path.

Extract from The Fear:

Woah!’ Lou jerks back in her seat and raises her hands to her face as something flies across the desk towards her. ‘Your … your pen.’

‘My what?’ Wendy is genuinely surprised to look down and see two halves of a biro in her hands. She’s snapped it clean in two.

‘Tea!’ Gary walks backwards into the room, carrying a tea tray in his hands. ‘What did I miss?’ He looks at Lou as she stands up. ‘Bloody hell. What happened to you?’

‘It’s ink.’ She pulls the white shirt away from her body, but the sticky red ink isn’t only on the crisp white cotton. Her cheeks, her forehead and her throat are splattered too. ‘Wendy’s pen broke. I’d better go and clean myself up.’

‘I really am very sorry,’ Wendy says as Lou slips from the room. ‘I don’t know what happened.’

‘It’s fine,’ Gary says as he places a fresh cup of tea in front of her. ‘Accidents happen.’

Wendy picks up her tea cup and raises it to her mouth.

‘They do, don’t they?’ she says, then she takes a small sip.

The Fear - Blog Tour Banner - Part 2

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