Review: 13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough

Posted February 17, 2016 by Charlotte in Reviews / 4 Comments

13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough
Review: 13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough
Published by Gollancz on February 18, 2016
Genres: Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult
Pages: 406
Format: E-Arc, Paperback
Source: Netgalley, Publisher
Buy on Amazon

Natasha’s sure that her friends love her. But does that mean they didn’t try to kill her?
Natasha is the most popular girl in school. So why was she pulled out of a freezing river after being dead for thirteen minutes? She doesn’t remember how she ended up in the icy water that night, but she does know this—it wasn’t an accident, and she wasn’t suicidal.
Now Natasha’s two closest friends, who are usually her loyal sidekicks, are acting strangely. Natasha turns to Becca, the best friend she dumped years before, to help her figure out the mystery.
At first Becca isn’t sure that she even wants to help Natasha. But as she is drawn back into Natasha’s orbit, Becca starts putting the pieces together. As an outsider, Becca believes she may be the only one who can uncover the truth…which is far more twisted than she ever imagined.

Before I begin can I just say wow, I’m still reeling from this book and am pretty sure my heart has never beat so fast! I was initially drawn in by the cover and the premise of 13 Minutes. The little hints of what was going to occur.

Everything that occurred in this book was twisted. Nothing is clear, the who and the what and the why. And there are some unexpected things that occur which made me want to throw the book away from me. Not out of dislike of the book but so I couldn’t admit that things were as they were written.

The narrative is gripping and in this regard it is relentless, pushing you forward to the final act. You are drawn into the friendships, the fights, the toxic relationships. You will take sides, and lines will be redrawn again and again.

I liked how the book was presented as a case file, with extracts from Natasha’s diary, interviews, newspaper clipping, text messages and general narrative. It helped with the suspense and the tension. The uncertainty and the fluttering in the stomach.

13 Minutes shows that friendship is complicated, life isn’t perfect, and we all have a secret or too. None of the characters are perfect even, each has their own flaws, but that is what makes them human.

A shocking and sinister read, that will keep you guessing despite what you might think, are you willing to get it wrong?

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4 responses to “Review: 13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough

  1. Ana

    The first line of the synopsis got me interested, and your review makes me want to read this book! 😮 I love thrillers, and books that use clippings/journal entries in the story. 😀

  2. Charlene @ Bookish Whimsy

    Ooh this one does sound exciting and suspenseful! What an interesting premise, and an interesting way to tell the story. I’m glad it was such a great read for you!

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