Review: The Hygge Holiday by Rosie Blake

Posted December 20, 2017 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments

The Hygge Holiday by Rosie Blake
Review: The Hygge Holiday by Rosie BlakeThe Hygge Holiday by Rosie Blake
Published by Sphere on September 21st 2017
Genres: Chick-lit, Contemporary, Fiction, Romance
Pages: 336
Format: E-Arc
Source: Netgalley
Buy on Amazon

The perfect recipe for hygge this autumn: make a hot chocolate, draw the curtains, snuggle under a blanket and read your way to happiness!It's autumn in Yulethorpe and everyone is gloomy. It's cold, drizzly and the skies are permagrey. The last shop on the high street - an adorable little toy shop - has just shut its doors. Everything is going wrong for Yulethorpe this autumn. Until Clara Kristensen arrives.

Clara is on holiday but she can see the potential in the pretty town, so she rolls up her sleeves and sets to work. Things are looking up until Joe comes to Yulethorpe to find out exactly what is going on with his mother's shop. Joe is Very Busy and Important in the City and very sure that Clara is up to no good. Surely no one would work this hard just for the fun of it?

Can a man who answers emails at 3 a. m. learn to appreciate the slower, happier, hygge things in life - naps, candles, good friends and maybe even falling in love?

Rosie Blake is

Brilliantly fun - HeatJust brilliant ­- Fabulous magazineHilarious - Hello


Reviewers love The Hygge Holiday

'The most gorgeous read' - Sun

'What a wonderful book! Rosie Blake's best novel yet - I had such a gorgeous time reading this story that I couldn't put it down. It was genuinely funny, warm-hearted, and full of unforgettable characters. A pure heartwarming pleasure of a read.' - bestselling author Kirsty Greenwood

'The Hygge Holiday is hilarious, cosy, heart-warming, fulfilling; pretty much everything you would want from a book... An absolutely phenomenal tale from the incredibly talented Rosie Blake... Be prepared to devour The Hygge Holiday in one sitting. Be prepared to love this book, because yes, it truly is THAT fabulous. Five stars for sure.' - The Writing Garnet

'I loved it' - Heidi Swain, author of Mince Pies and Mistletoe at the Christmas Market

So if you are a bit fed up with all the Christmas shenanigans in the lead up to Christmas and want a bit of escapism then look no further. The Hygge Holiday is a beautiful retreat that shows that home may be in the place you expect it least.

To be honest I didn’t really know what Hygge was despite it being a rage on twitter earlier this year. But The Hygge Holiday sorted me out and taught me a few Danish swearwords!  I loved how Clara decorated the place to make it warm and cosy and turned a strange place into her home.

Clara arrived at Yulethorpe clearly intending not to stay long. There is clearly something in her past that she is running away from.  A reason why she cannot go home. Yet there is something about Yulethorpe that makes Clara want to stay, to make it as her home and to make a few friends. Then there is Joe, he works long hours in the capital. He is a bit suspicious about Clara’s motives with his mothers shop. And finds himself heading North to sort it out. Yet when he gets there he finds more than he bargained for.

I loved how Clara transformed the shop with her creative and ingenious ideas, creating attractive window displays that attracts more people to not only the shop but also the village. Bringing people back to the quiet high street and creating a vibrant environment as interest in the window displays gathered momentum. There was almost a carnival feel to the window displays as people got excited by what would happen next!

The Hygge Holiday is a warm fuzzy read, and it proves that all you need is a candle and a blanket to make the place become more cosy!

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