Review: Supporting Cast by Kit de Waal

Posted October 27, 2020 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments

Supporting Cast by Kit de Waal

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review: Supporting Cast by Kit de WaalSupporting Cast by Kit de Waal
Published by Penguin on July 30, 2020
Genres: Fiction, Short Stories
Pages: 208
Format: E-Arc
Source: Netgalley
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As she walks out of her marriage, a woman remembers a day by the sea when her husband rescued a boy from drowning.
A blind man on his wedding day celebrates the pursuit of love.A woman finds companionship for the first time with the girls at work.And a young man leaves prison with only one desire - to see his son again.
Kit de Waal's characters light up the page in vivid stories of thwarted desire, love and loss. With power and precision, humanity and insight, Supporting Cast captures the extraordinary moments in our ordinary lives, and the darkness and the joy of the everyday.

Kit de Waal has been an author that I have wanted to read for a very long time. So when I had the opportunity to read her new book Supporting Cast I instantly dived in.

I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect of this book, after all it is a collection of short stories, of fleeting moments of time that are significant to that particular character. Moments that have a profound impact on the individual and those around them. Each story is written differently and you can feel that each new chapter is a different person.  Some of the stories are interlinked and I loved when I found those stories the most.

It was not until I started reading other reviews on this book that I realised that this collection of characters are from Kit’s full books. As I said previously I have never read one of her books. And having read this, there was something so easy about their story. Something that drew me in straight away that even without knowing much except those couple of pages or so I instantly felt a connection to the person on the page.

Supporting Cast was a clever, insightful read. That drew me in and for a moment made me feel invested in the character. I cannot wait to read another book by Kit, my only problem is that I do not know which one to start of with. Does anyone have any recommendations?

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