Review: The Disciple by Stephen Lloyd Jones

Posted October 15, 2016 by Charlotte in Reviews / 1 Comment

The Disciple by Stephen Lloyd Jones
Review: The Disciple by Stephen Lloyd JonesThe Disciple by Stephen Lloyd Jones
Published by Headline on October 6, 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Historical, Mystery, Thriller
Pages: 544
Format: E-Arc, Paperback
Source: Netgalley, Publisher
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On a storm-battered road at the edge of the Devil's Kitchen, a woman survives a fatal accident and gives birth to a girl who should never have lived. The child's protection lies in the hands of Edward Schwinn - a loner who must draw himself out of darkness to keep her safe - and her arrival will trigger a chain of terrifying events that no one can explain. She is a child like no other, being hunted by an evil beyond measure. For if the potential within her is realised, nothing will be the same. Not for Edward. Not for any who live to see it.

I was excited to get my hands on The Disciple ever since I saw that Stephen Lloyd Jones had written a new novel. This is completely different from The String Diaries that in some ways it is hard to see that each book is from the same author.

If I am being truthful I preferred the subtle horror and mythical element of The String Diaries to the violent depictions here. But that is because I am terrible at horror and falter at the idea, let alone the sight, of blood.

 This is a violent, bloody read, and is not for the faint-hearted. For me it was a bit much. The details of the gore, the deaths and weapons overwhelming. For me the story lost its’ magic. Along with the excitement of discovering something new, and believing that this could exist in our world.

Throughout we follow the story of Piper, a girl who is clearly special. What is uncertain is whether she is good as some believe or inherently evil. There is no clearly define ‘good’ vs ‘bad’. And the book poses some moments that makes the reader check and recheck their evaluation of who is in the right.

This book is twisted in more ways that one. And addictive as the story of Piper’s birth and the truth behind the events is slowly revealed. This is a book filled with strong characters. Each who are multi-layered as each have different motives and reasons for joining in the fay.

The Disciple is an intriguing and original read. One that I will be interested to see if it has a sequel. 

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