Review: Every Exquisite Thing by Matthew Quick

Posted June 24, 2016 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments

Every Exquisite Thing by Matthew Quick

I received this book for free from Netgalley, Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review: Every Exquisite Thing by Matthew QuickEvery Exquisite Thing by Matthew Quick
Published by Headline on May 31, 2016
Genres: Contemporary, Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 265
Format: E-Arc, Hardback
Source: Netgalley, Publisher
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From Matthew Quick, bestselling author of
The Silver Linings Playbook
, comes a heartfelt, unconventional and moving novel for readers who love John Green and Annabel Pitcher.
Nanette O'Hare is an unassuming teen who has played the role of dutiful daughter, hard-working student, and star athlete for as long as she can remember. But when a beloved teacher gives her his worn copy of The Bubblegum Reaper - the mysterious, out-of-print cult-classic - the rebel within Nanette awakens.
As she befriends the reclusive author, falls in love with a young but troubled poet, and attempts to insert her true self into the world with wild abandon, Nanette learns the hard way that sometimes rebellion comes at a high price.
A celebration of the self and the formidable power of story, Every Exquisite Thing is Matthew Quick at his finest.

So Matthew Quick is back on form. For me after a few dodgy, tired feeling books, Every Exquisite Thing felt like a breath of fresh air.

Ok so it’s not brand new. But there was something familiarly comfortable about. Kind of like greeting an old friend. I knew where I stood with this book. I knew what it expected from me and what I expected from it.

For me I loved the way Every Exquisite Thing explores the power that reading a book can have on someone. Even though we focus on Nanette’s story we see different people react very differently to The Bubblegum Reaper. Each reader learns that they have the power to change their future and that they don’t have to follow a predetermined path.

The only problem for me is that all the characters are ‘extreme’. Extreme misfit or extreme ‘normal’. None of them are ordinary. And that’s the problem. It is really hard to relate to them and sympathise because everything is off the scale.

Every Exquisite Thing will get you thinking what books mean to you. But it probably won’t knock you off your feet. If you’re a fan, then you will enjoy this book. But for a first time reader I’d try The Silver Linings Playbook.

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