Monthly Round-up! May 2016

Posted June 22, 2016 by Charlotte in Monthly Round-up! / 0 Comments

Monthly Round-up, linking everything that has happened in the last month, posted on the last day of said month. This Round-up May 2016.

Sorry this is a bit late. But as they always say, better late than never!

Currently reading:



Blog Tours:


Bookish Gossip:

Apparently this month I have nothing to say, which is strange because I feel like I’ve been really active on the blog. Oh well


Book vs. Film:

Been a bit too busy to focus on this. Hoping to get myself organised and schedule a few posts!


Pastime Pleasures:

No Pastime Pleasure either as I wasn’t really sure which book I wanted to recommend.



  • As per usual I’m participating in the Goodreads Challenge. I’ve pledged to read 100 books! And so far have managed to read 47 books. So Nearly half way through the year and at the half way point of reaching my goal. Fingers crossed everything is still achievable!

    So what do you think of my round-up May 2016? What have you read this month? Let me know in the comments below!


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