Genre: Science Fiction

Review: Endgame by Malorie Blackman

Posted April 24, 2024 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments
Review: Endgame by Malorie Blackman

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Endgame by Malorie Blackman Series: Noughts & Crosses #6 Published by Penguin on September 16, 2021 Genres: Fiction, Dystopia, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult Pages: 470 Format: E-Arc Source: Netgalley Buy on Amazon Goodreads The first Nought Prime Minister, Tobey Durbridge, is about to go on trial for the murder of notorious ganglord, Dan Jeavons. Tobey insists he is being framed. There were ten seats at Dan’s dinner party the night he was killed and each guest had their own reasons for wishing him dead. Sephy Hadley was one of the guests that night. Haunted by the idea that she didn’t do enough to stop the death of her first love, Callum McGregor, Sephy will not sit quietly and wait for accusations to fall on her now. She has her children to protect. When I first read Noughts and Crosses, I had no idea the impact the story would have on me. […]

Review: Starsight by Brandon Sanderson

Posted November 14, 2020 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments
Review: Starsight by Brandon Sanderson

Starsight by Brandon Sanderson Series: Skyward #2 Published by Delacorte Press on November 26, 2019 Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Science Fiction, Young Adult Pages: 457 Format: Hardback Source: Own Copy Buy on Amazon Goodreads All her life, Spensa’s dreamed of becoming a pilot. Of proving she’s a hero like her father. She made it to the sky, but the truths she learned about her father were crushing. The rumors of his cowardice are true—he deserted his flight during battle against the Krell. Worse, though, he turned against his team and attacked them. Spensa is sure that there’s more to the story. And she’s sure that whatever happened to her father in his starship could happen to her. When she made it outside the protective shell of her planet, she heard the stars—and it was terrifying. Everything Spensa has been taught about her world is a lie. But Spensa also discovered a few other things about herself—and she’ll travel to the end of the galaxy to save humankind if she needs to. I have been waiting to read Starsight for so long. […]

Blog Tour / Review: Ancestral Night by Elizabeth Bear

Posted March 17, 2019 by Charlotte in Blog Tour, Reviews / 0 Comments
Blog Tour / Review: Ancestral Night by Elizabeth Bear

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Ancestral Night by Elizabeth Bear Series: White Space #1 Published by Gollancz on March 5, 2019 Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction Pages: 512 Format: Paperback Source: Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads Haimey Dz thinks she knows what she wants. She thinks she knows who she is. She is wrong. A routine salvage mission uncovers evidence of a terrible crime and relics of powerful ancient technology. Haimey and her small crew run afoul of pirates at the outer limits of the Milky Way, and find themselves on the run and in possession of universe-changing information. When authorities prove corrupt, Haimey realizes that she is the only one who can protect her galaxy-spanning civilization from the implications of this ancient technology—and the revolutionaries who want to use it for terror and war. Her quest will take her careening from the event horizon of the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s core to the infinite, empty […]

Review: Light Years by Kass Morgan

Posted March 11, 2019 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments
Review: Light Years by Kass Morgan

I received this book for free from Illumicrate, Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Light Years by Kass Morgan Series: Light Years #1 Published by Hodder & Stoughton on October 9, 2018 Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction, Young Adult Pages: 377 Format: Arc, E-Arc Source: Illumicrate, Netgalley Buy on Amazon Goodreads Reeling from the latest attack by a mysterious enemy, the Quatra Fleet Academy is finally admitting students from every planet in the solar system after centuries of exclusivity. Hotshot pilot Vesper, an ambitious Tridian citizen, dreams of becoming a captain – but when she loses her spot to a brilliant, wisecracking boy from the wrong side of the asteroid belt, it makes her question everything she thought she knew. Growing up on the toxic planet Deva, Cormak will take any chance he can get to escape his dead-end life and join the Academy – even if he has to steal someone’s identity to do it. Arran was always considered an outsider on icy Chetire, always […]

Review: Nine by Zach Hines

Posted March 1, 2019 by Charlotte in Reviews / 0 Comments
Review: Nine by Zach Hines

Nine by Zach Hines Published by HarperTeen on August 7, 2018 Genres: Dystopia, Fiction, Science Fiction, Young Adult Pages: 360 Format: Arc Source: Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads In an alternate world startlingly close to our own, humans have nine lives—and they can’t wait to burn straight through them. As you shed lives, you shed your awkward phases: one death is equal to one physical and mental upgrade. Julian’s friends are obsessed with the idea of burning lives, but Julian is determined to stay on his first for as long as he can. His mother, the ultimate cautionary tale, burned through her first eight in just a few years, and Julian has no intention of succumbing to the debilitating rebirth sickness that she inflicted on herself. But the regime has death incentives aimed at controlling overpopulation, and Julian realizes that he’s going to have to burn at some point—especially when he becomes a target for Nicholas, the manipulative leader of the Burners, the school’s suicide club. And when Julian eventually succumbs, he uncovers suspicious gaps in the rebirth system that […]